eBook details
- Author: Joseph T. Wells
- File Size: 3 MB
- Format: PDF
- Length: 544 pages
- Publisher: Wiley; 4th edition
- Publication Date: February 4, 2014
- Language: English
- ASIN: B00I8XF84O
- ISBN-10: 1118922344
- ISBN-13: 9781118922347
Principles of Fraud Examination 4th Edition (PDF) by Joe Wels contains engaging real-life case studies and an analysis of the complexity of frauds and fraudulent behavior incorporated throughout the ebook. This textbook provides a broad understanding of fraud — what is it and how it is prevented, committed, and resolved. Principles of Fraud Examination 4e begins by providing an understanding of fraud examination methodology then documents the schemes used by managers, executive, and employees to commit fraud against their own organizations. Case studies, complete with statistics and flowcharts, are provided for every chapter. The primary focus of this PDF textbook is maintained in the updated edition, with coverage of the actual accounting and human behaviors that lead to cases of accounting fraud. The 4th edition includes updates to reflect revised and new accounting standards and laws, updated statistics to include the most recent ACFE findings, and moderate changes to end of chapter material. Also included in the newest edition is updated coverage of recent examples of fraud accounting in the real world.
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